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Facility: Kentucky Fried Chicken
Address: 1395 Atwater Blvd, Atwater, CA

The most recent inspection of this food facility resulted in a rating of
Good (Total Points: 3.00)
0-6  Points: Good
7-13 Points: Satisfactory
14+  Points: Unsatisfactory
Rating on date 3-11-2025: Good (Total Points: 3.00)
DateViolationPointsCorrectionInspector CommentsFacility Area
3-11-2025 An adequate, protected, pressurized, potable supply of hot water and cold water shall be provided at all times. (113953(c), 114099.2(b) 114101(a), 114189, 114192, 114192.1, 114195) 3.00 Provide hot and cold water under pressure through a mixing valve to each sink compartment. The water supply shall be from a water system approved by the health officer or the state department. An adequate, protected, pressurized, potable supply of hot water, at least 120°F, and cold water shall be provided.

Handwashing facilities shall be equipped to provide warm water under pressure for a minimum of 15 seconds. If the temperature of water provided is not readily adjustable at the faucet, the temperature of the water shall be at least 100°F, but not greater than 108°F. Handwashing facilities shall be sufficient in number and conveniently located so as to be accessible at all times for use by food employees
Observed all three hand wash sink in the kitchen water measure at 95ºF. Provide tempered warm water, or both hot and cold running water at all hand washing sinks. If the temperature of water provided is not readily adjustable at the faucet, the temperature of the water shall be at least 100ºF, but not greater than 108ºF. 0102 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 50-149 SEATS

Rating on date 6-08-2022: Satisfactory (Total Points: 11.00)
DateViolationPointsCorrectionInspector CommentsFacility Area
6-08-2022 The walls / ceilings shall have durable, smooth, nonabsorbent, light-colored, and washable surfaces. All floor surfaces, other than the customer service areas, shall be approved, smooth, durable and made of nonabsorbent material that is easily cleanable. Approved base coving shall be provided in all areas, except customer service areas and where food is stored in original unopened containers. Food facilities shall be fully enclosed. All food facilities shall be kept clean and in good repair. (114065, 114067, 114069, 114175, 114143, 114257, 114259.2, 114266, 114268, 114268.1, 114271, 114272) 1.00 All food facilities shall be kept clean, fully operative, and in good repair. Floor surfaces in all areas in which food is prepared, packaged or stored, where any utensil is washed, where refuse or garbage is stored, where janitorial facilities are located, and in all restrooms and hand washing areas shall be smooth and of durable construction and made from non absorbent material that is easily cleanable.

Each permanent food facility shall be fully enclosed in a building consisting of permanent floors, walls, and an overhead structure that meets minimum standards. Food facilities that are not fully enclosed on all sides and that are in operation on January 1, 1985, shall not be required to meet the requirements of this section until the facility is remodeled or has a significant menu change or a change in its method of operation. Full enclosure is not required for dining areas and certain other areas when approved for outdoor food services.
Observed some areas in the back food prep area need to have the grout redone. There are crevices that have developed due to the lack of grout. Repair/replace so it is flushed and does not provide crevices that allow food and other debris to become stuck.

Observed the build up of food debris on the walls in the chicken prep/fryer area. Clean/sanitize and increase frequency to prevent build up.
6-08-2022 All utensils and equipment shall be fully operative, clean, and in good repair. (114115, 114175). All utensils and equipment shall be approved, installed properly, and meet applicable standards. (114130, 114130.1, 114130.2, 114130.3, 114130.4, 114130.5, 114130.6, 114132, 114133, 114137, 114139, 114143, 114153, 114155, 114163, 114165, 114167, 114169, 114172, 114175, 114177, 114180, 114182) 1.00 Equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. The food-contact surfaces of cooking equipment and pans shall be kept free of encrusted grease deposits and other debris accumulations.

Keep all food facilities, and all utensils, display cases, windows, counters, shelves, tables, refrigeration units, sinks, dishwashing machines, and other equipment or utensils used in the storage, preparation, sale, service, and display of food, clean, fully operative, and in good repair.

The non-food-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris. Equipment shall be reassembled so that food-contact surfaces are not contaminated.
Observed the gasket on the right side fried chicken hot holding unit was damaged/warped and needs to be replaced. Repair/replace so it is smooth, easily cleanable.

Observed the build up of debris inside the the biscuit oven. Clean/sanitize and increase frequency to prevent build up.

Observed the left side walk-in refrigerator that holds the raw chicken has a damaged door on the inside and outside surface. Repair/replace so the door is flushed, smooth, and easily cleanable.
6-08-2022 The potable water supply shall be protected with a backflow or back siphonage protection device, as required by applicable plumbing codes. (114192) All plumbing and plumbing fixtures shall be installed in compliance with local plumbing ordinances, shall be maintained so as to prevent any contamination, and shall be kept clean, fully operative, and in good repair. Any hose used for conveying potable water shall be of approved materials, labeled, properly stored, and used for no other purpose. (114171, 114189.1, 114190, 114192.1, 114193, 114193.1, 114195, 114197, 114199, 114201, 114269) 1.00 All plumbing and plumbing fixtures shall be installed in compliance with local plumbing ordinances, shall be maintained so as to prevent any contamination, and shall be kept clean, fully operative, and in good repair. Observed the food prep sink was leaking and the water is turned off because of this. Repair/replace so there is no longer a leak.

Observed one of the legs for the three compartment sink is broken and pieces of tiles are being used to level the sink. Repair/replace the broken/missing leg so it is smooth, easily cleanable, and sturdy.
6-08-2022 An accurate easily readable metal probe thermometer suitable for measuring temperature of food shall be available to the food handler. A thermometer +/- 2°F shall be provided for each hot and cold holding unit of potentially hazardous foods and high temperature warewashing machines. (114157, 114159) 1.00 Have a thermometer accurate to within 2°F or 1°C in each hot and cold holding unit. Have a metal probe type thermometer readily available on premises (to all appropriate staff) that is calibrated in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications as necessary to ensure accuracy. Observed the lack of a working thermometer in the walk-in refrigerator units. Provide a thermometer in all units that hold potentially hazardous food items. 0102 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 50-149 SEATS
6-08-2022 Handwashing soap and single use towels or drying device shall be provided in dispensers adjacent to each handwashing facility; dispensers shall be maintained in good repair. (113953.2) Adequate separate facilities shall be provided for handwashing, food preparation, and the washing of utensils and equipment. (113953, 113953.1) 3.00 Handwashing facilities shall be sufficient in number and conveniently located so as to be accessible at all times for use by food employees. Employees shall not clean their hands in a sink used for food preparation, warewashing, or in a service sink or a curbed cleaning facility used for the disposal of mop water and similar liquid waste. Do not place objects in front of the handwashing station, and do not place items, utensils or wiping cloths in the handwashing sink.

Handwashing facilities shall be equipped to provide warm water under pressure for a minimum of 15 seconds. If the temperature of water provided is not readily adjustable at the faucet, the temperature of the water shall be at least 100°F, but not greater than 108°F. Soap shall be provided in approved dispensers at, or adjacent to, handwashing facilities (no bars of soap). Single-use sanitary towels or hot-air blowers shall be provided at handwashing facilities in approved dispensing devices.
Observed the water was turned off at the front hand wash sink near the entrance into the back food prep area. The water was turned off because there is a significant leak. Repair/replace so there is no longer a leak and keep the water on at all times for hand washing purposes. 0102 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 50-149 SEATS
6-08-2022 Exhaust hoods shall be provided to remove toxic gases, heat, grease, vapors, and smoke and be approved by the local building department. Canopy-type hoods shall extend 6" beyond all cooking equipment. All areas shall have sufficient ventilation to facilitate proper food storage. Toilet rooms shall be vented to the outside air by a screened openable window, an air shaft, or a light-switch activated exhaust fan, consistent with local building codes. (114149, 114149.1) Adequate lighting shall be provided in all areas to facilitate cleaning and inspection. Light fixtures in areas where open food is stored, served, prepared, and where utensils are washed shall be of shatterproof construction or protected with light shields. (114149.2, 114149.3, 114252, 114252.1) 1.00 All areas shall have sufficient ventilation to facilitate proper food storage and to provide a reasonable condition of comfort for each employee, consistent with the job performed by the employee.

Light fixtures in areas where food is prepared, open food is stored, or utensils are cleaned shall be of shatterproof construction or shall be protected with shatterproof shields and shall be readily cleanable. In every room and area in which any food is prepared, manufactured, processed, or prepackaged, or in which equipment or utensils are cleaned, sufficient natural or artificial lighting shall be provided to produce the following light intensity, while the area is in use:
(a) At least 10-foot candles for the following:
(1) At a distance of 30 inches above the floor, in walk-in refrigeration units, and dry food storage areas.
(2) At a working surface on which alcoholic beverages are prepared or where utensils used in the preparation or service of alcoholic beverages are cleaned.
(3) Inside equipment, such as reach-in or under-the-counter refrigerators.
(b) At least 20-foot candles for the following:
(1) At a surface where food is provided for consumer self-service or where fresh produce or prepackaged foods are sold or offered for consumption.
(2) In server stations where food is prepared.
(3) At a distance of 30 inches above the floor in areas used for handwashing, warewashing, and equipment and utensil storage, and in toilet rooms.
(c) Except in server stations where food is prepared, at least 50-foot candles at a surface where a food employee is working with food or working with utensils or equipment such as knives, slicers, grinders, or saws where employee safety is a factor.
Observed the fan/vent unit inside the restrooms are not functional. Toilet rooms shall be vented to the outside air by means of an openable, screened window, an air shaft, or a light-switch-activated exhaust fan, consistent with the requirements of local building codes.

Observed the hood filters/baffles appear to be damaged and not properly fitting. There are substantial spaces in between each baffle. Repair/replace.
6-08-2022 All food employees shall have adequate knowledge of and be trained in food safety as it relates to their assigned duties. The person in charge shall have adequate knowledge of, and shall educate employees of the food facility regarding major food allergens. (113947) Food facilities that prepare, handle or serve non-prepackaged potentially hazardous food, shall have an employee who has passed an approved food safety certification examination. (113947-113947.1) 3.00 The responsibilities of the staff member certified in food safety include ensuring that all employees who handle, or have responsibility for handling, unpackaged foods of any kind have sufficient knowledge to ensure the safe preparation and /or service of the food. The nature and extent of the knowledge that each employee is required to have may be tailored, as appropriate, to the employee's duties related to food safety issues. Observed lack of proof that a current employee of this establishment holds a Food Safety Manager Class certificate that is no more than five years old. Maintain a copy of the original certificate for at least one current employee at the facility location. The food managers certificate that is earned by the employee or owner may be used at only one location. Obtain a certificate from an American National Standards Institute approved food handling/food safety examination; if no one holds a current food safety certificate, obtain one within 60 days. 0102 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 50-149 SEATS