4-28-2021 |
All nonfood contact surfaces of utensils and equipment shall be clean. (114115, 114130.4)
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Clean nonfood contact surfaces of equipment at a frequency necessary to prevent accumulation of residue.
Observed minor build up of dust debris on fan blade guards on cooler unit in walk-in refrigerator and/or freezer. Improve cleaning frequency so as to prevent a visible buildup of dust debris.
4-28-2021 |
A person proposing to build or remodel a food facility shall submit plans for approval before starting any new construction or remodeling of any facility for use as a retail food facility. (114380, 114381)
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A person proposing to build or remodel a food facility shall submit complete, easily readable plans drawn to scale and specifications to the Division of Environmental Health and obtain approval prior to starting any project.
SECOND REPEAT: Observed the drain line for the walk in freezer (WIF) / walk in cooler (WIC) units are still draining directly to the ground outside of the back of the units. Reroute / re plumb the drain line such that condensate waste water is appropriately conducted to a sanitary sewer connection or approved evaporative unit so as to not discharge wastewater directly on the ground. Existing WIC / WIF unit also appears to have been installed without a roof structure.
Provide equipment specification information and a time line to Merced County Department of Environmental Health (MCDEH) for correction. All commercial or cafeteria related food equipment installations or modifications / remodels are subject to review and approval by MCDEH **prior to** installation / remodel.
NOTE: per the 4/18/19 NCR inspection notes from Shannon Warkentin / signed by Mark Rubalcava (of M&J Restaurant Equip. & Repair of Stockton), the following information was provided regarding walk in unit plan review requirements:
- Proposed sump would require an air gap, OR an condensation unit built to evaporate the waters. - New walk in unit(s) will be under a roof but will open to the outside; roof will also cover the sump and doors. - Fly air curtains are to be installed over all doors that open outside from the walk in units. - A plan check application, electronic plans, and a full set of proposed equipment specifications must be submitted electronically to MCDEH (FoodProgram@countyofmerced.com) along with the required plan check fee of $295. - Written approval shall be obtained from MCDEH prior to beginning the actual installation of the proposed unit. - Additional plan check information / guidance can be found on our website at: * www.countyofmerced.com/eh * select "Resources" * select "Food Facility Plan Review"
4-28-2021 |
All food employees shall have adequate knowledge of and be trained in food safety as it relates to their assigned duties. The person in charge shall have adequate knowledge of, and shall educate employees of the food facility regarding major food allergens. (113947) Food facilities that prepare, handle or serve non-prepackaged potentially hazardous food, shall have an employee who has passed an approved food safety certification examination. (113947-113947.1)
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The responsibilities of the staff member certified in food safety include ensuring that all employees who handle, or have responsibility for handling, unpackaged foods of any kind have sufficient knowledge to ensure the safe preparation and /or service of the food. The nature and extent of the knowledge that each employee is required to have may be tailored, as appropriate, to the employee's duties related to food safety issues.
Observed the measurable chlorine residual in the dish machine initially at approximately 10 PPM. At first unable to locate open package of chlorine test strips, did find new package, regular staff that runs dish machine had already gone home for the day and remaining staff were unsure how he usually tests the machine. Investigation discovered the chlorine solution jug was empty, no backup / replacement chlorine jug on site, and warehouse staff not at warehouse to bring over more at the time of the inspection. Machine also observed to have a built in thermometer / heat booster, but no temperature strips or other measurement method available to cafeteria staff to verify the temperature of the water at the dish surfaces during operation of the machine in its normal and customary manner. Inspector's waterproof thermometer used to verify dish temperature in the dish compartment did reach 172ºF during the inspection.
Obtain matching sanitizer and test strips / appropriate matching testing materials PRIOR TO resuming on site mechanical dishwashing. Only use 3 compartment sink with quat sanitizer / strips (200 PPM quat for 60 seconds) until mechanical sanitizing conditions are corrected.
[Recheck of dish machine on 4/30/21 around 11 AM showed chlorine sanitizing jug now full, run of machine and check with chlorine test strips shows sanitizer at dish surfaces at 50-75 PPM chlorine. Be sure to keep the manufacturer's 'color scale' with the matching test strips on site to ensure accuracy in interpreting the results provided by your testing materials. Recommend keeping 'backup' jug(s) of sanitizer(s) on site for each location that uses liquid sanitizer(s). Appropriately retrain employees such that all cafeteria staff have an understanding of proper dish sanitizing for both mechanical and manual applications, and are able to check sanitizer levels of dish machines, rag buckets, and manual sanitizer dispensers at the three compartment sink with the appropriate matching testing equipment / strips based on the sanitizing method in use.]
4-28-2021 |
All utensils and equipment shall be fully operative, clean, and in good repair. (114115, 114175). All utensils and equipment shall be approved, installed properly, and meet applicable standards. (114130, 114130.1, 114130.2, 114130.3, 114130.4, 114130.5, 114130.6, 114132, 114133, 114137, 114139, 114143, 114153, 114155, 114163, 114165, 114167, 114169, 114172, 114175, 114177, 114180, 114182)
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Equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. The food-contact surfaces of cooking equipment and pans shall be kept free of encrusted grease deposits and other debris accumulations.
Keep all food facilities, and all utensils, display cases, windows, counters, shelves, tables, refrigeration units, sinks, dishwashing machines, and other equipment or utensils used in the storage, preparation, sale, service, and display of food, clean, fully operative, and in good repair.
The non-food-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris. Equipment shall be reassembled so that food-contact surfaces are not contaminated.
Observed the Manitowac ice machine is currently missing its door, front opening on machine wrapped in plastic wrap, work order email taped to the side of the unit. Repair or remove non functioning equipment that does not meet the required commercial grade standard. Ensure all surfaces of commercial grade food related equipment are easy to clean and are cleaned on a regular basis (do not cover surfaces with non scrubbable materials that impede the ability to properly clean and sanitize on a regualr basis).
[NOTE: recheck on site conducted around 11 AM on 4/30/21 also verified door on ice machine has been repaired to the required commercial grade standard.]
4-28-2021 |
The walls / ceilings shall have durable, smooth, nonabsorbent, light-colored, and washable surfaces. All floor surfaces, other than the customer service areas, shall be approved, smooth, durable and made of nonabsorbent material that is easily cleanable. Approved base coving shall be provided in all areas, except customer service areas and where food is stored in original unopened containers. Food facilities shall be fully enclosed. All food facilities shall be kept clean and in good repair. (114065, 114067, 114069, 114175, 114143, 114257, 114259.2, 114266, 114268, 114268.1, 114271, 114272)
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All food facilities shall be kept clean, fully operative, and in good repair. Floor surfaces in all areas in which food is prepared, packaged or stored, where any utensil is washed, where refuse or garbage is stored, where janitorial facilities are located, and in all restrooms and hand washing areas shall be smooth and of durable construction and made from non absorbent material that is easily cleanable.
Each permanent food facility shall be fully enclosed in a building consisting of permanent floors, walls, and an overhead structure that meets minimum standards. Food facilities that are not fully enclosed on all sides and that are in operation on January 1, 1985, shall not be required to meet the requirements of this section until the facility is remodeled or has a significant menu change or a change in its method of operation. Full enclosure is not required for dining areas and certain other areas when approved for outdoor food services.
(1) REPEAT: Observed the 'gravity lock' knife holder on the wall near the handwashing sink that, when removed from the wall, exposed a worn patch behind the knife holder that includes chipping paint as the knife holder mounts directly over the painted wall surface. Repair or remove. If the wall mounted knife holder is to continue to be used, recommend use of a durable surface material, such as stainless steel or FRP on the wall behind the knife holding unit, in order to avoid damage / chipping to the underlying surface such that paint and drywall chips may become a source of potential contamination on the knife blades stored in the knife holder unit.
(2) REPEAT: Observed floor beneath the dish machine area is still worn / torn in spots completely through to the sub-flooring. Appropriately repair / replace the damaged flooring. If a DIFFERENT type of flooring is elected for the repair other than an exact "like for like" replacement, have the new flooring material evaluated and/or approved by MCDEH prior to changing the type of flooring in the water use / food prep part of the kitchen areas, including under the dish machine. Floor surfaces in all areas in which food is prepared, packaged or stored, where any utensil is washed, where refuse or garbage is stored, where janitorial facilities are located, and in all restrooms and hand washing areas shall be smooth, easily cleanable non porous, meet a commercial grade standard, and be coved at the juncture of the floor and wall with a 3/8 inch minimum radius and shall extend up the wall at least 4 inches.