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Facility: Subway
Address: 29060 W Plaza Dr., Santa Nella, CA

The most recent inspection of this food facility resulted in a rating of
Satisfactory (Total Points: 8.00)
0-6  Points: Good
7-13 Points: Satisfactory
14+  Points: Unsatisfactory
Rating on date 1-16-2025: Satisfactory (Total Points: 8.00)
DateViolationPointsCorrectionInspector CommentsFacility Area
1-16-2025 A food facility shall not be open for business without a valid permit. (114067(b) & (c), 114365, 114365.5, 114381, 114381.1 114381.2, 114387, 114390) 1.00 Pay the required annual permit fees. Renewal fees for existing permits for each calendar year are assessed and due in January of each year.

For purposes of enforcement, an enforcement officer may, during the facility's hours of operation and other reasonable times, enter, inspect, issue citations to, and secure any sample, photographs, or other evidence from a food facility or any facility suspected of being a food facility, or a vehicle transporting food to or from a retail food facility, when the vehicle is stationary at an agricultural inspection station, a border crossing, or at any food facility under the jurisdiction of the enforcement agency, or upon the request of an incident commander. It is a violation for any person to refuse to permit entry or inspection, or interfere with the performance of the duties of an enforcement officer, including making verbal or physical threats or sexual or discriminatory harassment.

Close the facility until a permit is obtained from the Division of Environmental Health.
Observed lack of knowledge of the location of a copy of the most recent health inspection at the facility location. Maintain a copy of the most recent health inspection at the facility location, and ensure that employees are aware of its whereabouts and can provide a copy for customer inspection during all hours of operation. A new copy of most recent inspection report is being provided to the facility on this date. Corrected during inspection. 0101 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 0-49 SEATS (HM4)
1-16-2025 All food contact surfaces of utensils and equipment shall be clean and sanitized. (113984(e), 114097, 114099.1, 114099.4, 114099.6, 114101 (b-d), 114105, 114109, 114111, 114113, 114115 (a, b, d), 114117, 114125(b), 114135, 114141) 7.00 A food facility that prepares food shall not be operating if there is no method to properly clean and sanitize equipment or utensils. A food facility shall not be operating if there is gross contamination of food contact surfaces that may result in the contamination of food products. Observed brown residue build-up inside the soda nozzle head of soda machine. Clean more frequently. 0101 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 0-49 SEATS (HM4)

Rating on date 11-14-2023: Good (Total Points: 4.00)
DateViolationPointsCorrectionInspector CommentsFacility Area
11-14-2023 An adequate, protected, pressurized, potable supply of hot water and cold water shall be provided at all times. (113953(c), 114099.2(b) 114101(a), 114189, 114192, 114192.1, 114195) 3.00 Provide hot and cold water under pressure through a mixing valve to each sink compartment. The water supply shall be from a water system approved by the health officer or the state department. An adequate, protected, pressurized, potable supply of hot water, at least 120°F, and cold water shall be provided.

Handwashing facilities shall be equipped to provide warm water under pressure for a minimum of 15 seconds. If the temperature of water provided is not readily adjustable at the faucet, the temperature of the water shall be at least 100°F, but not greater than 108°F. Handwashing facilities shall be sufficient in number and conveniently located so as to be accessible at all times for use by food employees
Observed one restroom did not have warm water of 100°-108°. Repair sink and employee must wash hand at the kitchen hand washing sink if use the restroom with no warm water. 0101 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 0-49 SEATS (HM4)
11-14-2023 A food facility shall not be open for business without a valid permit. (114067(b) & (c), 114365, 114365.5, 114381, 114381.1 114381.2, 114387, 114390) 1.00 Pay the required annual permit fees. Renewal fees for existing permits for each calendar year are assessed and due in January of each year.

For purposes of enforcement, an enforcement officer may, during the facility's hours of operation and other reasonable times, enter, inspect, issue citations to, and secure any sample, photographs, or other evidence from a food facility or any facility suspected of being a food facility, or a vehicle transporting food to or from a retail food facility, when the vehicle is stationary at an agricultural inspection station, a border crossing, or at any food facility under the jurisdiction of the enforcement agency, or upon the request of an incident commander. It is a violation for any person to refuse to permit entry or inspection, or interfere with the performance of the duties of an enforcement officer, including making verbal or physical threats or sexual or discriminatory harassment.

Close the facility until a permit is obtained from the Division of Environmental Health.
Observed lack of knowledge of the location of a copy of the most recent health inspection at the facility location. Maintain a copy of the most recent health inspection at the facility location, and ensure that employees are aware of its whereabouts and can provide a copy for customer inspection during all hours of operation. A new copy of most recent inspection report is being provided to the facility on this date. Corrected during inspection.

Observed no display of health permit to operate and notice of inspection from the environmental health department. Display health permit to operate and notice of inspection from the environmental health department in an noticeable area.

Rating on date 11-08-2021: Good (Total Points: 2.00)
DateViolationPointsCorrectionInspector CommentsFacility Area
11-08-2021 No violations were noted during this inspection. 0.00 This food facility currently meets California Retail Food Code requirements, and is authorized by the Merced County Division of Environmental Health to be open for business. The permit is issued to the current business owner of record and is non-transferable. All other violations were corrected. 0101 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 0-49 SEATS (HM4)
11-08-2021 Food facilities that prepare food shall be equipped with warewashing facilities. Testing equipment and materials shall be provided to measure the applicable sanitization method. (114067(f,g), 114099, 114099.1, 114099.2, 114099.3, 114099.4, 114099.5, 114099.6, 114099.7, 114101, 114101.1, 114101.2, 114103, 114107, 114125) 2.00 Provide a sink with at least 3 compartments with 2 integral metal drainboards. The sink compartments and drainage facilities shall be large enough to accommodate the largest utensil or piece of equipment to be cleaned therein.

Clean the utensils in one of the following ways:

(1) Manual warewashing shall be accomplished by using a 3-compartment sink where the utensils are first pre-cleaned, then washed, rinsed, sanitized, and air dried. The temperature of the washing solution shall be maintained at not less than 100°F or the temperature specified on the cleaning agent manufacturer's label instructions. The utensils shall then be rinsed in clear water before being immersed in a sanitizing solution. Manual sanitization shall be accomplished in the final sanitizing rinse by one of the following:
(a) Immersion for at least 30 seconds where the water temperature is maintained at 171°F or above.
(b) The application of sanitizing chemicals by immersion, manual swabbing, or brushing, using one of the following solutions:
(1) Contact with a solution of 100 ppm available chlorine solution for at least 30 seconds.
(2) Contact with a solution of 25 ppm available iodine for at least one minute.
(3) Contact with a solution of 200 ppm quaternary ammonium for at least one minute.
(4) Contact with a solution of ozone that meets the requirements of Section 180.940 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations and that is generated by a device located onsite at the food facility that meets all of the requirements of 114099.6.
(c) Other methods approved by the enforcement agency.

(2) Mechanical machine warewashing shall be accomplished by using an approved machine installed and operated in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. Soiled items to be cleaned in a warewashing machine shall be loaded in racks, trays, or baskets or onto conveyors in a position that exposes the items to the unobstructed spray during all cycles and allows the items to drain. Mechanical sanitization shall be accomplished in the final sanitizing rinse by one of the following:
(a) By being cycled through equipment achieving a utensil surface temperature of 160°F or above.
(b) The mechanical application of sanitizing chemicals by pressure spraying methods using one of the following:
(1) Contact with a solution of 50 ppm available chlorine solution for at least 30 seconds.
(2) Contact with a solution of 25 ppm available iodine for at least one minute.
(3) Contact with any chemical sanitizer that meets the requirements of Section 180.940 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations when used in accordance with both the sanitizer manufacturers use directions and the machine manufacturer's specifications.

Provide testing equipment and materials to adequately measure the applicable sanitization method.
Repeat: Observed the lack of test strips for the sanitizer. Provide. 0101 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 0-49 SEATS (HM4)

Rating on date 9-16-2021: Unsatisfactory - reinspection required (Total Points: 16.00)
DateViolationPointsCorrectionInspector CommentsFacility Area
9-16-2021 All liquid waste must drain to an approved fully functioning sewage disposal system. (114197) 3.00 Liquid waste shall not be disposed onto a floor or ground surface. All plumbing pipes, appurtenances, and fixtures shall be of approved type and fully functioning. Observed the floor drain for the soda dispenser is not properly draining. Repair to properly drain to prevent surfacing sewage. 0101 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 0-49 SEATS (HM4)
9-16-2021 All nonfood contact surfaces of utensils and equipment shall be clean. (114115, 114130.4) 1.00 Clean nonfood contact surfaces of equipment at a frequency necessary to prevent accumulation of residue. Observed the accumulation of syrup on the soda dispenser heads. Improve cleaning. 0101 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 0-49 SEATS (HM4)
9-16-2021 Potentially hazardous foods shall be held at or below 41°/ 45°F or at or above 135°F. (113996, 113998, 114037, 114343(a)) 7.00 Hold potentially hazardous foods either at or above 135°F or at or below 41°F. Hold the following potentially hazardous foods at 45°F: raw shell eggs, unshucked live molluscan shellfish, pasteurized milk and pasteurized milk products in original, sealed containers. Potentially hazardous foods held for dispensing in a serving line or a salad bar (not in a display case) may be held at 45°F or less during periods not to exceed 12 hours in any 24-hour period. Discard all potentially hazardous food that has been out of an approved time and temperature range. Observed the temperature of the cold cut meats, tomato, cheese, and cucumber on the prep table was measured at or above 50F. Keep all cold potentially hazardous foods at or below 41°F. Adjust and / or repair this unit; do not use it for the display of PHF (potentially hazardous food) items until it is shown to consistently capable of holding food at or below 41ºF at all times. Items out of temperature by more than 10°F were voluntarily destroyed and denatured. Time control was used and food will be discarded after 4 hours out of temperature.

Observed the temperature of the under counter refrigerator was measured at 47 °F. Keep all cold potentially hazardous foods at or below 41°F. Adjust and / or repair this unit; do not use it for the storage of PHF (potentially hazardous food) items until it is shown to consistently capable of holding food at or below 41ºF at all times. Out of temperature items relocated to the walk - in refrigerator.
9-16-2021 An adequate, protected, pressurized, potable supply of hot water and cold water shall be provided at all times. (113953(c), 114099.2(b) 114101(a), 114189, 114192, 114192.1, 114195) 3.00 Provide hot and cold water under pressure through a mixing valve to each sink compartment. The water supply shall be from a water system approved by the health officer or the state department. An adequate, protected, pressurized, potable supply of hot water, at least 120°F, and cold water shall be provided.

Handwashing facilities shall be equipped to provide warm water under pressure for a minimum of 15 seconds. If the temperature of water provided is not readily adjustable at the faucet, the temperature of the water shall be at least 100°F, but not greater than 108°F. Handwashing facilities shall be sufficient in number and conveniently located so as to be accessible at all times for use by food employees
Observed the hot water measured at 114F. Proved hot water at 120F. 0101 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 0-49 SEATS (HM4)
9-16-2021 Food facilities that prepare food shall be equipped with warewashing facilities. Testing equipment and materials shall be provided to measure the applicable sanitization method. (114067(f,g), 114099, 114099.1, 114099.2, 114099.3, 114099.4, 114099.5, 114099.6, 114099.7, 114101, 114101.1, 114101.2, 114103, 114107, 114125) 1.00 Provide a sink with at least 3 compartments with 2 integral metal drainboards. The sink compartments and drainage facilities shall be large enough to accommodate the largest utensil or piece of equipment to be cleaned therein.

Clean the utensils in one of the following ways:

(1) Manual warewashing shall be accomplished by using a 3-compartment sink where the utensils are first pre-cleaned, then washed, rinsed, sanitized, and air dried. The temperature of the washing solution shall be maintained at not less than 100°F or the temperature specified on the cleaning agent manufacturer's label instructions. The utensils shall then be rinsed in clear water before being immersed in a sanitizing solution. Manual sanitization shall be accomplished in the final sanitizing rinse by one of the following:
(a) Immersion for at least 30 seconds where the water temperature is maintained at 171°F or above.
(b) The application of sanitizing chemicals by immersion, manual swabbing, or brushing, using one of the following solutions:
(1) Contact with a solution of 100 ppm available chlorine solution for at least 30 seconds.
(2) Contact with a solution of 25 ppm available iodine for at least one minute.
(3) Contact with a solution of 200 ppm quaternary ammonium for at least one minute.
(4) Contact with a solution of ozone that meets the requirements of Section 180.940 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations and that is generated by a device located onsite at the food facility that meets all of the requirements of 114099.6.
(c) Other methods approved by the enforcement agency.

(2) Mechanical machine warewashing shall be accomplished by using an approved machine installed and operated in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. Soiled items to be cleaned in a warewashing machine shall be loaded in racks, trays, or baskets or onto conveyors in a position that exposes the items to the unobstructed spray during all cycles and allows the items to drain. Mechanical sanitization shall be accomplished in the final sanitizing rinse by one of the following:
(a) By being cycled through equipment achieving a utensil surface temperature of 160°F or above.
(b) The mechanical application of sanitizing chemicals by pressure spraying methods using one of the following:
(1) Contact with a solution of 50 ppm available chlorine solution for at least 30 seconds.
(2) Contact with a solution of 25 ppm available iodine for at least one minute.
(3) Contact with any chemical sanitizer that meets the requirements of Section 180.940 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations when used in accordance with both the sanitizer manufacturers use directions and the machine manufacturer's specifications.

Provide testing equipment and materials to adequately measure the applicable sanitization method.
Observed the test strips are expired. Replace. 0101 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 0-49 SEATS (HM4)
9-16-2021 The walls / ceilings shall have durable, smooth, nonabsorbent, light-colored, and washable surfaces. All floor surfaces, other than the customer service areas, shall be approved, smooth, durable and made of nonabsorbent material that is easily cleanable. Approved base coving shall be provided in all areas, except customer service areas and where food is stored in original unopened containers. Food facilities shall be fully enclosed. All food facilities shall be kept clean and in good repair. (114065, 114067, 114069, 114175, 114143, 114257, 114259.2, 114266, 114268, 114268.1, 114271, 114272) 1.00 All food facilities shall be kept clean, fully operative, and in good repair. Floor surfaces in all areas in which food is prepared, packaged or stored, where any utensil is washed, where refuse or garbage is stored, where janitorial facilities are located, and in all restrooms and hand washing areas shall be smooth and of durable construction and made from non absorbent material that is easily cleanable.

Each permanent food facility shall be fully enclosed in a building consisting of permanent floors, walls, and an overhead structure that meets minimum standards. Food facilities that are not fully enclosed on all sides and that are in operation on January 1, 1985, shall not be required to meet the requirements of this section until the facility is remodeled or has a significant menu change or a change in its method of operation. Full enclosure is not required for dining areas and certain other areas when approved for outdoor food services.
Observed missing coved base at the mop sink. Replace. 0101 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 0-49 SEATS (HM4)