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Facility: OXXO Mini Mart
Address: 3416 N. Buhach Road, Atwater, CA

The most recent inspection of this food facility resulted in a rating of
Good (Total Points: 1.00)
0-6  Points: Good
7-13 Points: Satisfactory
14+  Points: Unsatisfactory
Rating on date 10-09-2024: Good (Total Points: 1.00)
DateViolationPointsCorrectionInspector CommentsFacility Area
10-09-2024 All nonfood contact surfaces of utensils and equipment shall be clean. (114115, 114130.4) 1.00 Clean nonfood contact surfaces of equipment at a frequency necessary to prevent accumulation of residue. Observed build up of dust debris on fan blade guards on cooler unit in walk-in refrigerator and/or freezer. Improve cleaning frequency so as to prevent a visible buildup of dust debris. 0110 RETAIL MARKET<2000 SQ FT (HM3)