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Facility: Fruta Tropical
Address: 1439 Crowell St., Livingston, CA

The most recent inspection of this food facility resulted in a rating of
Satisfactory (Total Points: 7.00)
0-6  Points: Good
7-13 Points: Satisfactory
14+  Points: Unsatisfactory
Rating on date 11-18-2024: Satisfactory (Total Points: 7.00)
DateViolationPointsCorrectionInspector CommentsFacility Area
11-18-2024 Any food is misbranded if its labeling is false or misleading, if it is offered for sale under the name of another food, or if it is an imitation of another food for which a definition and standard of identity has been established by regulation. (114087, 114089, 114089.1(a, b), 114090, 114093.1, 114377) 1.00 Present all food in a way that does not mislead or misinform consumers. Food or color additives, colored overwraps, lights or other misleading artificial means shall not be used to misrepresent the true appearance, color, or quality of a food.

The label shall contain the following information:
(1) The common name of the food.
(2) A list of ingredients in descending order of predominance by weight.
(3) The weight, count, or volume.
(4) The name and place of business of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor.
Nutrition labeling may also be required, and must be included when it is available from the manufacturer.

Food facility's or manufacturer's dating information, such as date codes or "use by" statements on packaging may not be concealed or altered.
Observed ice cream do not have properly label. Stop all sales until MCDEH is able to confirm that the ice cream is from an approved source. 0101 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 0-49 SEATS (HM4)
11-18-2024 All clean and soiled linens shall be properly stored; non-food items shall be stored and displayed separate from food and food-contact surfaces. (114185 - 114185.4) Utensils and equipment shall be handled and stored so as to be protected from contamination. (114067, 114074 - 114075, 114081, 114083, 114119, 114121, 114161, 114178, 114179, 114185, 114185.2, 114185.5) 1.00 Storage space for food, utensils, single-use articles, clean linens, and food-related equipment shall not be located in locker rooms, refuse rooms, mechanical rooms, under open stairwells, under lines on which water has condensed, under leaking water lines, under sewer lines that are not shielded to intercept potential drips, or under other sources of contamination.

During pauses in food preparation or dispensing, food preparation and dispensing utensils shall be stored in one of the following ways:
(1) in a potentially hazardous food with their handles above the top of the food and the container.
(2) if not a potentially hazardous food, with their handles above the top of the food within containers that can be closed.
(3) on a clean portion of the food preparation table or equipment if cleaned and sanitized at the required frequency.
(4) in running water of sufficient velocity to flush particulates to the drain.
(5) in a clean, protected location if the utensils, such as ice scoops, are used only with a food that is not potentially hazardous.
(6) in a container of water if the water is maintained at a temperature of at least 135°F and the container is cleaned at least every 24 hours or at a frequency necessary to preclude the accumulation of soil residues.

Observed ice scooper left on top of the ice cream machine. Ice scooper need to be store in a clean and protected location. 0101 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 0-49 SEATS (HM4)
11-18-2024 A food facility shall not be open for business without a valid permit. (114067(b) & (c), 114365, 114365.5, 114381, 114381.1 114381.2, 114387, 114390) 1.00 Pay the required annual permit fees. Renewal fees for existing permits for each calendar year are assessed and due in January of each year.

For purposes of enforcement, an enforcement officer may, during the facility's hours of operation and other reasonable times, enter, inspect, issue citations to, and secure any sample, photographs, or other evidence from a food facility or any facility suspected of being a food facility, or a vehicle transporting food to or from a retail food facility, when the vehicle is stationary at an agricultural inspection station, a border crossing, or at any food facility under the jurisdiction of the enforcement agency, or upon the request of an incident commander. It is a violation for any person to refuse to permit entry or inspection, or interfere with the performance of the duties of an enforcement officer, including making verbal or physical threats or sexual or discriminatory harassment.

Close the facility until a permit is obtained from the Division of Environmental Health.
Observed lack of knowledge of the location of a copy of the most recent health inspection at the facility location. Maintain a copy of the most recent health inspection at the facility location, and ensure that employees are aware of its whereabouts and can provide a copy for customer inspection during all hours of operation. A new copy of most recent inspection report is being provided to the facility on this date. Corrected during inspection. 0101 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 0-49 SEATS (HM4)
11-18-2024 All food shall be separated and protected from contamination. (113984, 113986, 113988, 113990, 114060, 114067, 114069, 114077, 114079, 114089.1 (c), 114143 (c)) 1.00 Destroy all contaminated food. All food shall be prepared, stored, displayed, dispensed, placed, transported, sold, and served as to be protected from dirt, vermin, unnecessary handling, droplet contamination, overhead leakage, or other contamination.
If unpackaged food is displayed and sold in bulk in other than self-service containers, then it shall be served by an employee of the food establishment directly to a consumer and shall be displayed in clean, sanitary, and covered or otherwise protected containers.
For bulk customer self-service food items, such as salad bars, buffet type foods, and other ready-to-eat food, install sneeze guards that intercept a direct line between the customer's mouth and the food being offered, dispense from approved mechanical dispensers, or employ other effective means to protect ready-to-eat food from contamination.
Protect all cartons, boxes, or other materials used in the packaging of any food from dirt, vermin, and other forms of contamination or adulteration.
Observed cut pineapples and strawberries in the refrigerator that was uncovered / not protected from potential contamination. Ensure all food not under diligent preparation is appropriately covered with non porous lid or covering material to protect from potential contamination. 0101 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 0-49 SEATS (HM4)
11-18-2024 All food contact surfaces of utensils and equipment shall be clean and sanitized. (113984(e), 114097, 114099.1, 114099.4, 114099.6, 114101 (b-d), 114105, 114109, 114111, 114113, 114115 (a, b, d), 114117, 114125(b), 114135, 114141) 3.00 A food facility that prepares food shall not be operating if there is no method to properly clean and sanitize equipment or utensils. A food facility shall not be operating if there is gross contamination of food contact surfaces that may result in the contamination of food products. Observed sponges inside the three compartment sink. Sponges shall not be used in contact with cleaned and sanitized food-contact surfaces or in-use food-contact surfaces. Clean and sanitize all contaminated utensils and other surfaces. Discard all food which has been in contact with contaminated surfaces. 0101 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 0-49 SEATS (HM4)

Rating on date 1-04-2023: Good (Total Points: 0.00)
DateViolationPointsCorrectionInspector CommentsFacility Area
1-04-2023 No violations were noted during this inspection. 0.00 This food facility currently meets California Retail Food Code requirements, and is authorized by the Merced County Division of Environmental Health to be open for business. The permit is issued to the current business owner of record and is non-transferable. no violations observed 0101 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 0-49 SEATS (HM4)