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Facility: Delicias Las Palmas Taqueria & Mariscos
Address: 502 Pacheco Blvd, Los Banos, CA

The most recent inspection of this food facility resulted in a rating of
Good (Total Points: 2.00)
0-6  Points: Good
7-13 Points: Satisfactory
14+  Points: Unsatisfactory
Rating on date 4-30-2021: Good (Total Points: 2.00)
DateViolationPointsCorrectionInspector CommentsFacility Area
4-30-2021 The potable water supply shall be protected with a backflow or back siphonage protection device, as required by applicable plumbing codes. (114192) All plumbing and plumbing fixtures shall be installed in compliance with local plumbing ordinances, shall be maintained so as to prevent any contamination, and shall be kept clean, fully operative, and in good repair. Any hose used for conveying potable water shall be of approved materials, labeled, properly stored, and used for no other purpose. (114171, 114189.1, 114190, 114192.1, 114193, 114193.1, 114195, 114197, 114199, 114201, 114269) 2.00 All plumbing and plumbing fixtures shall be installed in compliance with local plumbing ordinances, shall be maintained so as to prevent any contamination, and shall be kept clean, fully operative, and in good repair. 1) 3-COMPARTMENT DISHWASHING SINK: Repeat violation. Trim the black drain pipe to a a minimum of 1 inch above the rim of the floor sink.

2) MOP SINK: Repair the loose drain pipe underneath the mop sink.