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Facility: Champion Grill Buffet
Address: 475 W. Olive Ave., Merced, CA

The most recent inspection of this food facility resulted in a rating of
Good (Total Points: 2.00)
0-6  Points: Good
7-13 Points: Satisfactory
14+  Points: Unsatisfactory
Rating on date 8-15-2023: Good (Total Points: 2.00)
DateViolationPointsCorrectionInspector CommentsFacility Area
8-15-2023 All clean and soiled linens shall be properly stored; non-food items shall be stored and displayed separate from food and food-contact surfaces. (114185 - 114185.4) Utensils and equipment shall be handled and stored so as to be protected from contamination. (114067, 114074 - 114075, 114081, 114083, 114119, 114121, 114161, 114178, 114179, 114185, 114185.2, 114185.5) 1.00 Storage space for food, utensils, single-use articles, clean linens, and food-related equipment shall not be located in locker rooms, refuse rooms, mechanical rooms, under open stairwells, under lines on which water has condensed, under leaking water lines, under sewer lines that are not shielded to intercept potential drips, or under other sources of contamination.

During pauses in food preparation or dispensing, food preparation and dispensing utensils shall be stored in one of the following ways:
(1) in a potentially hazardous food with their handles above the top of the food and the container.
(2) if not a potentially hazardous food, with their handles above the top of the food within containers that can be closed.
(3) on a clean portion of the food preparation table or equipment if cleaned and sanitized at the required frequency.
(4) in running water of sufficient velocity to flush particulates to the drain.
(5) in a clean, protected location if the utensils, such as ice scoops, are used only with a food that is not potentially hazardous.
(6) in a container of water if the water is maintained at a temperature of at least 135°F and the container is cleaned at least every 24 hours or at a frequency necessary to preclude the accumulation of soil residues.

Observed that plastic saran wrap is wrapped around the top edge of water wok. remove plastic and discontinue use. 0103 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 150+ SEATS
8-15-2023 All utensils and equipment shall be fully operative, clean, and in good repair. (114115, 114175). All utensils and equipment shall be approved, installed properly, and meet applicable standards. (114130, 114130.1, 114130.2, 114130.3, 114130.4, 114130.5, 114130.6, 114132, 114133, 114137, 114139, 114143, 114153, 114155, 114163, 114165, 114167, 114169, 114172, 114175, 114177, 114180, 114182) 1.00 Equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. The food-contact surfaces of cooking equipment and pans shall be kept free of encrusted grease deposits and other debris accumulations.

Keep all food facilities, and all utensils, display cases, windows, counters, shelves, tables, refrigeration units, sinks, dishwashing machines, and other equipment or utensils used in the storage, preparation, sale, service, and display of food, clean, fully operative, and in good repair.

The non-food-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris. Equipment shall be reassembled so that food-contact surfaces are not contaminated.
Observed that lamp covers in the walk in refrigeration units are damaged. Repair 0103 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 150+ SEATS

Rating on date 6-20-2023: Unsatisfactory - reinspection required (Total Points: 21.00)
DateViolationPointsCorrectionInspector CommentsFacility Area
6-20-2023 Handwashing soap and single use towels or drying device shall be provided in dispensers adjacent to each handwashing facility; dispensers shall be maintained in good repair. (113953.2) Adequate separate facilities shall be provided for handwashing, food preparation, and the washing of utensils and equipment. (113953, 113953.1) 3.00 Handwashing facilities shall be sufficient in number and conveniently located so as to be accessible at all times for use by food employees. Employees shall not clean their hands in a sink used for food preparation, warewashing, or in a service sink or a curbed cleaning facility used for the disposal of mop water and similar liquid waste. Do not place objects in front of the handwashing station, and do not place items, utensils or wiping cloths in the handwashing sink.

Handwashing facilities shall be equipped to provide warm water under pressure for a minimum of 15 seconds. If the temperature of water provided is not readily adjustable at the faucet, the temperature of the water shall be at least 100°F, but not greater than 108°F. Soap shall be provided in approved dispensers at, or adjacent to, handwashing facilities (no bars of soap). Single-use sanitary towels or hot-air blowers shall be provided at handwashing facilities in approved dispensing devices.
Observed that the hot water shut off valve to the kitchen hand sink was not open. Manager opened hot water valve and water reached 104 degrees as required 0103 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 150+ SEATS
6-20-2023 Failure of the person operating a food facility pursuant to a variance or HACCP plan to designate at least one person to be responsible for developing HACCP plans, verifying that HACCP plans are effective, and training employees to adhere to the designated HACCP plans. 3.00 A HACCP Plan is a written document that delineates the formal procedures developed for safe food handling approved by the National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criterira for Foods (114419). A written document approving a deviation from standard health code requirements shall be maintained at the food facility. (114057, 114057.1, 114091(f)(3))

The person operating a food facility pursuant to a HACCP plan shall designate at least one person to be responsible for developing HACCP plans, verifying that HACCP plans are effective, and training employees.

A minimum of one person per shift shall be designated who is knowledgeable in the HACCP plan or plans adopted by the operator to be responsible for adherence to any HACCP plan used, take corrective actions when necessary, and assure monitoring records are appropriately documented and retained, per the requirements of section 114419.
Observed that food rotation plan is required to be updated to reflect the operators policy of storing potentially hazardous foods (PHF) in the temperature danger zone (TDZ) between 41 degrees Fahrenheit and 135 degrees Fahrenheit for a maximum of 4 hours and that after 4 hours, the PHF will be discarded. 0103 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 150+ SEATS
6-20-2023 Food facilities that prepare food shall be equipped with warewashing facilities. Testing equipment and materials shall be provided to measure the applicable sanitization method. (114067(f,g), 114099, 114099.1, 114099.2, 114099.3, 114099.4, 114099.5, 114099.6, 114099.7, 114101, 114101.1, 114101.2, 114103, 114107, 114125) 1.00 Provide a sink with at least 3 compartments with 2 integral metal drainboards. The sink compartments and drainage facilities shall be large enough to accommodate the largest utensil or piece of equipment to be cleaned therein.

Clean the utensils in one of the following ways:

(1) Manual warewashing shall be accomplished by using a 3-compartment sink where the utensils are first pre-cleaned, then washed, rinsed, sanitized, and air dried. The temperature of the washing solution shall be maintained at not less than 100°F or the temperature specified on the cleaning agent manufacturer's label instructions. The utensils shall then be rinsed in clear water before being immersed in a sanitizing solution. Manual sanitization shall be accomplished in the final sanitizing rinse by one of the following:
(a) Immersion for at least 30 seconds where the water temperature is maintained at 171°F or above.
(b) The application of sanitizing chemicals by immersion, manual swabbing, or brushing, using one of the following solutions:
(1) Contact with a solution of 100 ppm available chlorine solution for at least 30 seconds.
(2) Contact with a solution of 25 ppm available iodine for at least one minute.
(3) Contact with a solution of 200 ppm quaternary ammonium for at least one minute.
(4) Contact with a solution of ozone that meets the requirements of Section 180.940 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations and that is generated by a device located onsite at the food facility that meets all of the requirements of 114099.6.
(c) Other methods approved by the enforcement agency.

(2) Mechanical machine warewashing shall be accomplished by using an approved machine installed and operated in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. Soiled items to be cleaned in a warewashing machine shall be loaded in racks, trays, or baskets or onto conveyors in a position that exposes the items to the unobstructed spray during all cycles and allows the items to drain. Mechanical sanitization shall be accomplished in the final sanitizing rinse by one of the following:
(a) By being cycled through equipment achieving a utensil surface temperature of 160°F or above.
(b) The mechanical application of sanitizing chemicals by pressure spraying methods using one of the following:
(1) Contact with a solution of 50 ppm available chlorine solution for at least 30 seconds.
(2) Contact with a solution of 25 ppm available iodine for at least one minute.
(3) Contact with any chemical sanitizer that meets the requirements of Section 180.940 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations when used in accordance with both the sanitizer manufacturers use directions and the machine manufacturer's specifications.

Provide testing equipment and materials to adequately measure the applicable sanitization method.
Observed that the facility does not have correct test strips for Quat sanitizer. Obtain proper test strips 0103 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 150+ SEATS
6-20-2023 All clean and soiled linens shall be properly stored; non-food items shall be stored and displayed separate from food and food-contact surfaces. (114185 - 114185.4) Utensils and equipment shall be handled and stored so as to be protected from contamination. (114067, 114074 - 114075, 114081, 114083, 114119, 114121, 114161, 114178, 114179, 114185, 114185.2, 114185.5) 1.00 Storage space for food, utensils, single-use articles, clean linens, and food-related equipment shall not be located in locker rooms, refuse rooms, mechanical rooms, under open stairwells, under lines on which water has condensed, under leaking water lines, under sewer lines that are not shielded to intercept potential drips, or under other sources of contamination.

During pauses in food preparation or dispensing, food preparation and dispensing utensils shall be stored in one of the following ways:
(1) in a potentially hazardous food with their handles above the top of the food and the container.
(2) if not a potentially hazardous food, with their handles above the top of the food within containers that can be closed.
(3) on a clean portion of the food preparation table or equipment if cleaned and sanitized at the required frequency.
(4) in running water of sufficient velocity to flush particulates to the drain.
(5) in a clean, protected location if the utensils, such as ice scoops, are used only with a food that is not potentially hazardous.
(6) in a container of water if the water is maintained at a temperature of at least 135°F and the container is cleaned at least every 24 hours or at a frequency necessary to preclude the accumulation of soil residues.

observed that plastic saran wrap is wrapped areoung the top edge of the water wok. Remove plastic and discontinue use. Observed that whit plastic cuttings boards have dark stains. Replace damaged boards so that they are easily cleanable 0103 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 150+ SEATS
6-20-2023 All food shall be separated and protected from contamination. (113984, 113986, 113988, 113990, 114060, 114067, 114069, 114077, 114079, 114089.1 (c), 114143 (c)) 1.00 Destroy all contaminated food. All food shall be prepared, stored, displayed, dispensed, placed, transported, sold, and served as to be protected from dirt, vermin, unnecessary handling, droplet contamination, overhead leakage, or other contamination.
If unpackaged food is displayed and sold in bulk in other than self-service containers, then it shall be served by an employee of the food establishment directly to a consumer and shall be displayed in clean, sanitary, and covered or otherwise protected containers.
For bulk customer self-service food items, such as salad bars, buffet type foods, and other ready-to-eat food, install sneeze guards that intercept a direct line between the customer's mouth and the food being offered, dispense from approved mechanical dispensers, or employ other effective means to protect ready-to-eat food from contamination.
Protect all cartons, boxes, or other materials used in the packaging of any food from dirt, vermin, and other forms of contamination or adulteration.
Observed that a box of batter mix was open and uncovered. Keep covered when not in use 0103 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 150+ SEATS
6-20-2023 The walls / ceilings shall have durable, smooth, nonabsorbent, light-colored, and washable surfaces. All floor surfaces, other than the customer service areas, shall be approved, smooth, durable and made of nonabsorbent material that is easily cleanable. Approved base coving shall be provided in all areas, except customer service areas and where food is stored in original unopened containers. Food facilities shall be fully enclosed. All food facilities shall be kept clean and in good repair. (114065, 114067, 114069, 114175, 114143, 114257, 114259.2, 114266, 114268, 114268.1, 114271, 114272) 1.00 All food facilities shall be kept clean, fully operative, and in good repair. Floor surfaces in all areas in which food is prepared, packaged or stored, where any utensil is washed, where refuse or garbage is stored, where janitorial facilities are located, and in all restrooms and hand washing areas shall be smooth and of durable construction and made from non absorbent material that is easily cleanable.

Each permanent food facility shall be fully enclosed in a building consisting of permanent floors, walls, and an overhead structure that meets minimum standards. Food facilities that are not fully enclosed on all sides and that are in operation on January 1, 1985, shall not be required to meet the requirements of this section until the facility is remodeled or has a significant menu change or a change in its method of operation. Full enclosure is not required for dining areas and certain other areas when approved for outdoor food services.
Observed that the kitchen floor drain grates are broken and or missing. Install proper grates. Observed that the vent hood vilters are covered with grease. Clean filters and hood 0103 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 150+ SEATS
6-20-2023 The potable water supply shall be protected with a backflow or back siphonage protection device, as required by applicable plumbing codes. (114192) All plumbing and plumbing fixtures shall be installed in compliance with local plumbing ordinances, shall be maintained so as to prevent any contamination, and shall be kept clean, fully operative, and in good repair. Any hose used for conveying potable water shall be of approved materials, labeled, properly stored, and used for no other purpose. (114171, 114189.1, 114190, 114192.1, 114193, 114193.1, 114195, 114197, 114199, 114201, 114269) 1.00 All plumbing and plumbing fixtures shall be installed in compliance with local plumbing ordinances, shall be maintained so as to prevent any contamination, and shall be kept clean, fully operative, and in good repair. Observed that the 3 tub sink drains are sealed with paper towels. A proper drain stop is required. 0103 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 150+ SEATS
6-20-2023 All food contact surfaces of utensils and equipment shall be clean and sanitized. (113984(e), 114097, 114099.1, 114099.4, 114099.6, 114101 (b-d), 114105, 114109, 114111, 114113, 114115 (a, b, d), 114117, 114125(b), 114135, 114141) 7.00 A food facility that prepares food shall not be operating if there is no method to properly clean and sanitize equipment or utensils. A food facility shall not be operating if there is gross contamination of food contact surfaces that may result in the contamination of food products. Observed that the sanitizer level in the 3 tub sink is 100ppm quat. 200ppm quat sanitizer concentration is required. If chlorine bleach is used as a sanitizer, a contentration of 100ppm is required. Manager corrected by adding chlorine bleach to levle of 100 ppm 0103 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 150+ SEATS
6-20-2023 The premises of each food facility shall be kept clean and free of litter and rubbish; all clean and soiled linen shall be properly stored; non-food items shall be stored and displayed separate from food and food-contact surfaces; the facility shall be kept free of vermin. (114067 (j), 114123, 114143 (a) & (b), 114175, 114178, 114185, 114185.1, 114185.2, 114185.3, 114185.4, 114256, 114256.1, 114256.2, 114256.4, 114257, 114257.1, 114259, 114259.1, 114259.2, 114259.3, 114279, 114281, 114282) 1.00 All food facilities shall be kept clean, fully operative, and in good repair. A food facility shall at all times be so constructed, equipped, maintained, and operated as to prevent the entrance and harborage of animals, birds, and vermin, including, but not limited to, rodents and insects. The premises of each food facility shall be kept clean and free of litter, rubbish, and vermin.

Lockers or other suitable facilities shall be provided and used for the orderly storage of employee clothing and other possessions. Lockers or other suitable facilities shall be located in a designated room or area where contamination of food, equipment, utensils, linens, and single-use articles cannot occur. Dressing rooms or dressing areas shall be provided and used by employees if the employees regularly change their clothes in the facility.
Observed 1/2 inch gap under rear door, whcih allowed daylight to enter. Repair threshol to prevent entry of vermin 0103 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 150+ SEATS
6-20-2023 All utensils and equipment shall be fully operative, clean, and in good repair. (114115, 114175). All utensils and equipment shall be approved, installed properly, and meet applicable standards. (114130, 114130.1, 114130.2, 114130.3, 114130.4, 114130.5, 114130.6, 114132, 114133, 114137, 114139, 114143, 114153, 114155, 114163, 114165, 114167, 114169, 114172, 114175, 114177, 114180, 114182) 1.00 Equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. The food-contact surfaces of cooking equipment and pans shall be kept free of encrusted grease deposits and other debris accumulations.

Keep all food facilities, and all utensils, display cases, windows, counters, shelves, tables, refrigeration units, sinks, dishwashing machines, and other equipment or utensils used in the storage, preparation, sale, service, and display of food, clean, fully operative, and in good repair.

The non-food-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris. Equipment shall be reassembled so that food-contact surfaces are not contaminated.
Observed that lamp covers in the walk in refrigeration units are damaged. Repair 0103 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 150+ SEATS
6-20-2023 Food shall be stored in an approved manner, in approved containers and labeled as to contents. Food shall be stored at least 6" above the floor on approved shelving. (114047, 114049, 114051, 114053, 114055, 114067(h), 114069) 1.00 Provide adequate and suitable space for the storage of food. Store food at least 6 inches off the floor. Store bulk food not stored in original packaging in containers identifying the food by common name. Food shall not be stored in locker rooms, restrooms, dressing rooms, refuse areas, or mechanical rooms; under open stairwells; under lines on which water has condensed; under leaking water lines, including leaking automatic fire sprinkler heads: or under sewer lines that are not shielded to intercept potential drips.

Only prepackaged nonpotentially hazardous food or uncut produce may be displayed or sold outdoors by a food facility if outdoor displays have overhead protection that extends over all food items, and if all food items from the outdoor display are stored inside the fully enclosed food facility at all times other than during business hours.

Products that are held by the permit holder for credit, redemption, or return to the distributor, such as damaged, spoiled, or recalled products, shall be segregated and held in designated areas that are separated from food, equipment, utensils, linens, and single-use articles. All returned or damaged food products and food products from which the label has been removed shall be separated and stored in a separate area and in a manner that shall prevent adulteration of other foods and shall not contribute to a vermin problem.

Observed 50 pound bags of potatos and onions dstored on the floor. Manager corrected violation during inspection 0103 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 150+ SEATS

Rating on date 10-04-2022: Good (Total Points: 2.00)
DateViolationPointsCorrectionInspector CommentsFacility Area
10-04-2022 Exhaust hoods shall be provided to remove toxic gases, heat, grease, vapors, and smoke and be approved by the local building department. Canopy-type hoods shall extend 6" beyond all cooking equipment. All areas shall have sufficient ventilation to facilitate proper food storage. Toilet rooms shall be vented to the outside air by a screened openable window, an air shaft, or a light-switch activated exhaust fan, consistent with local building codes. (114149, 114149.1) Adequate lighting shall be provided in all areas to facilitate cleaning and inspection. Light fixtures in areas where open food is stored, served, prepared, and where utensils are washed shall be of shatterproof construction or protected with light shields. (114149.2, 114149.3, 114252, 114252.1) 1.00 All areas shall have sufficient ventilation to facilitate proper food storage and to provide a reasonable condition of comfort for each employee, consistent with the job performed by the employee.

Light fixtures in areas where food is prepared, open food is stored, or utensils are cleaned shall be of shatterproof construction or shall be protected with shatterproof shields and shall be readily cleanable. In every room and area in which any food is prepared, manufactured, processed, or prepackaged, or in which equipment or utensils are cleaned, sufficient natural or artificial lighting shall be provided to produce the following light intensity, while the area is in use:
(a) At least 10-foot candles for the following:
(1) At a distance of 30 inches above the floor, in walk-in refrigeration units, and dry food storage areas.
(2) At a working surface on which alcoholic beverages are prepared or where utensils used in the preparation or service of alcoholic beverages are cleaned.
(3) Inside equipment, such as reach-in or under-the-counter refrigerators.
(b) At least 20-foot candles for the following:
(1) At a surface where food is provided for consumer self-service or where fresh produce or prepackaged foods are sold or offered for consumption.
(2) In server stations where food is prepared.
(3) At a distance of 30 inches above the floor in areas used for handwashing, warewashing, and equipment and utensil storage, and in toilet rooms.
(c) Except in server stations where food is prepared, at least 50-foot candles at a surface where a food employee is working with food or working with utensils or equipment such as knives, slicers, grinders, or saws where employee safety is a factor.
Observed missing fixture (broken base) in the ceiling of the walk in freezer between the door and the fuctioning light toward the back of the freezer. Operator advised that the fitting is on order and will be installed as soon as it is delivered 0103 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 150+ SEATS
10-04-2022 The walls / ceilings shall have durable, smooth, nonabsorbent, light-colored, and washable surfaces. All floor surfaces, other than the customer service areas, shall be approved, smooth, durable and made of nonabsorbent material that is easily cleanable. Approved base coving shall be provided in all areas, except customer service areas and where food is stored in original unopened containers. Food facilities shall be fully enclosed. All food facilities shall be kept clean and in good repair. (114065, 114067, 114069, 114175, 114143, 114257, 114259.2, 114266, 114268, 114268.1, 114271, 114272) 1.00 All food facilities shall be kept clean, fully operative, and in good repair. Floor surfaces in all areas in which food is prepared, packaged or stored, where any utensil is washed, where refuse or garbage is stored, where janitorial facilities are located, and in all restrooms and hand washing areas shall be smooth and of durable construction and made from non absorbent material that is easily cleanable.

Each permanent food facility shall be fully enclosed in a building consisting of permanent floors, walls, and an overhead structure that meets minimum standards. Food facilities that are not fully enclosed on all sides and that are in operation on January 1, 1985, shall not be required to meet the requirements of this section until the facility is remodeled or has a significant menu change or a change in its method of operation. Full enclosure is not required for dining areas and certain other areas when approved for outdoor food services.
Observed that the yellow plastic gratings used on the floor drains are not flush with the surrounding tiles and present a tripping hazard. Operator advised that a search is in process to acquire suitable grates. 0103 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 150+ SEATS

Rating on date 8-30-2022: Unsatisfactory - reinspection required (Total Points: 29.00)
DateViolationPointsCorrectionInspector CommentsFacility Area
8-30-2022 An adequate, protected, pressurized, potable supply of hot water and cold water shall be provided at all times. (113953(c), 114099.2(b) 114101(a), 114189, 114192, 114192.1, 114195) 3.00 Provide hot and cold water under pressure through a mixing valve to each sink compartment. The water supply shall be from a water system approved by the health officer or the state department. An adequate, protected, pressurized, potable supply of hot water, at least 120°F, and cold water shall be provided.

Handwashing facilities shall be equipped to provide warm water under pressure for a minimum of 15 seconds. If the temperature of water provided is not readily adjustable at the faucet, the temperature of the water shall be at least 100°F, but not greater than 108°F. Handwashing facilities shall be sufficient in number and conveniently located so as to be accessible at all times for use by food employees
Observed the non adjustable handwash sink faucet in the mens restroom reaches a maximum of 83ºF. Also observed the non adjustable handwash sink faucet in the womens restroom reaches a maximum of 82ºF. Adjust or repair these units such that water for handwashing meets the required 100 - 108ºF temperature range.

Provide tempered warm water, or both hot and cold running water at all hand washing sinks. If the temperature of water provided is not readily adjustable at the faucet, the temperature of the water shall be at least 100ºF, but not greater than 108ºF.
8-30-2022 All food contact surfaces of utensils and equipment shall be clean and sanitized. (113984(e), 114097, 114099.1, 114099.4, 114099.6, 114101 (b-d), 114105, 114109, 114111, 114113, 114115 (a, b, d), 114117, 114125(b), 114135, 114141) 3.00 A food facility that prepares food shall not be operating if there is no method to properly clean and sanitize equipment or utensils. A food facility shall not be operating if there is gross contamination of food contact surfaces that may result in the contamination of food products. (1) Observed dirt, grime, and / or food particle buildup on cutting blade area of large can opener. Improve cleaning frequency and methods to ensure all equipment is kept in an appropriate state of cleanliness; ensure all equipment surfaces are smooth and easily cleanable, and all potential food contact surfaces are sanitized on a regular basis. Can opener immediately taken to dish area for cleaning. Corrected during inspection.

(2) Observed buildup of semi dried food debris on food bins and lids in the walk in coolers. Increase cleaning frequency and efficacy to prevent food debris buildup that can lead to cross contamination of hands and other food or food contact items.
8-30-2022 The potable water supply shall be protected with a backflow or back siphonage protection device, as required by applicable plumbing codes. (114192) All plumbing and plumbing fixtures shall be installed in compliance with local plumbing ordinances, shall be maintained so as to prevent any contamination, and shall be kept clean, fully operative, and in good repair. Any hose used for conveying potable water shall be of approved materials, labeled, properly stored, and used for no other purpose. (114171, 114189.1, 114190, 114192.1, 114193, 114193.1, 114195, 114197, 114199, 114201, 114269) 2.00 All plumbing and plumbing fixtures shall be installed in compliance with local plumbing ordinances, shall be maintained so as to prevent any contamination, and shall be kept clean, fully operative, and in good repair. SECOND REPEAT: Observed the hand sink in the rear of the kitchen is leaking. Repair. Also observed torn sealant material that is no longer intact between the splash guards and main sink. Repair. 0103 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 150+ SEATS
8-30-2022 The premises of each food facility shall be kept clean and free of litter and rubbish; all clean and soiled linen shall be properly stored; non-food items shall be stored and displayed separate from food and food-contact surfaces; the facility shall be kept free of vermin. (114067 (j), 114123, 114143 (a) & (b), 114175, 114178, 114185, 114185.1, 114185.2, 114185.3, 114185.4, 114256, 114256.1, 114256.2, 114256.4, 114257, 114257.1, 114259, 114259.1, 114259.2, 114259.3, 114279, 114281, 114282) 1.00 All food facilities shall be kept clean, fully operative, and in good repair. A food facility shall at all times be so constructed, equipped, maintained, and operated as to prevent the entrance and harborage of animals, birds, and vermin, including, but not limited to, rodents and insects. The premises of each food facility shall be kept clean and free of litter, rubbish, and vermin.

Lockers or other suitable facilities shall be provided and used for the orderly storage of employee clothing and other possessions. Lockers or other suitable facilities shall be located in a designated room or area where contamination of food, equipment, utensils, linens, and single-use articles cannot occur. Dressing rooms or dressing areas shall be provided and used by employees if the employees regularly change their clothes in the facility.
(1) Observed back door of facility propped open, hanging 'magnetic' screen that does not fully or effectively close to exclude insects. No air curtain present in this location. Provide effective vermin exclusion devices at all service / delivery doors, and / or keep doors closed whenever facility is not actively receiving a shipment. Back door closed. Corrected during inspection.

(2) Observed multiple pieces of unused equipment in various areas of the facility (hot box under hood, three door refrigerator near walk in coolers, etc) that are not being used and not intended to be used. Remove. All equipment items at the facility must be kept clean and in good repair. Failure to keep the premises of each food facility free of items that are unnecessary to the operation or maintenance of the facility, such as equipment that is not functional or is no longer used. Remove the unnecessary items to prevent vermin harborage. Keep the facility free of clutter.

(3) Observed employee personal food items that are being stored in the leftmost sections of the cook line cooler. Cease this practice. Provide a separate area for employee personal items (including food items) such that personal items are not intermingled in the same space with items intended to be cooked / served to the public.
8-30-2022 All food shall be separated and protected from contamination. (113984, 113986, 113988, 113990, 114060, 114067, 114069, 114077, 114079, 114089.1 (c), 114143 (c)) 1.00 Destroy all contaminated food. All food shall be prepared, stored, displayed, dispensed, placed, transported, sold, and served as to be protected from dirt, vermin, unnecessary handling, droplet contamination, overhead leakage, or other contamination.
If unpackaged food is displayed and sold in bulk in other than self-service containers, then it shall be served by an employee of the food establishment directly to a consumer and shall be displayed in clean, sanitary, and covered or otherwise protected containers.
For bulk customer self-service food items, such as salad bars, buffet type foods, and other ready-to-eat food, install sneeze guards that intercept a direct line between the customer's mouth and the food being offered, dispense from approved mechanical dispensers, or employ other effective means to protect ready-to-eat food from contamination.
Protect all cartons, boxes, or other materials used in the packaging of any food from dirt, vermin, and other forms of contamination or adulteration.
(1) Observed unboxed whole watermelons on a storage shelf immediately next to gallon jugs of cleaning solutions and bleach. Lower shelf of same rack also had an open bag of flour. Relocate / separate as much as possible all food and non food items in the kitchen areas. Do not store chemicals or non food items immediately beside or above food or food contact items. Protect ALL food and food contact related items from potential contamination. Manager had staff begin relocating / separating food and non food items on storage shelves.

(2) Observed multiple containers in multiple walk in units and refrigerators that are not covered / protected from potential contamination. Ensure all food not under diligent preparation is appropriately covered with non porous lid or covering material to protect from potential contamination.

(3) Observed large cart / tray of condiments used on the cook line that are left out without covers. Provide covers to protect all food and condiment items that are not actively being used to protect from potential contamination. Staff immediately began covering items with plastic food wrap.
8-30-2022 Handwashing signs shall be posted in each toilet room, directing attention to the need to thoroughly wash hands after using the restroom. (113953.5)

No smoking signs shall be posted in food preparation, food storage, and warewashing areas. (113978)

Consumers shall be notified that clean tableware is to be used when they return to self-service areas such as salad bars and buffets. (114075)

Any food facility constructed before January 1, 2004 without public toilet facilities shall prominently post a sign within the food facility in a public area stating that toilet facilities are not provided. (113725.1, 114276, 114381 (e))
1.00 Post permit in a conspicuous place (It is recommended that the permit be in customer view.). Post a notice advising patrons that a copy of the most recent routine inspection report is available for review by interested parties. Keep a copy of the most recent health inspection report at the facility for customer review purposes.

Post and maintain a legible and conspicuous sign in each toilet room directing attention to the need to thoroughly wash hands after using the toilet.

Post and maintain a legible "No Smoking" sign in food preparation, food storage, and utensil washing areas.

(1) Observed lack of a visibly posted notice to inform patrons that the facility is inspected by the local health department. Maintain a sign in a conspicuous location to inform patrons that the facility is inspected. (A copy of the required notice is available on the Merced County Environmental Health website).

(2) Observed lack of knowledge of the location of a copy of the most recent health inspection at the facility location. Maintain a copy of the most recent health inspection at the facility location, and ensure that employees are aware of its whereabouts and can provide a copy for customer inspection during all hours of operation. A new copy of most recent inspection report is being emailed to the facility location.
8-30-2022 Handwashing soap and single use towels or drying device shall be provided in dispensers adjacent to each handwashing facility; dispensers shall be maintained in good repair. (113953.2) Adequate separate facilities shall be provided for handwashing, food preparation, and the washing of utensils and equipment. (113953, 113953.1) 3.00 Handwashing facilities shall be sufficient in number and conveniently located so as to be accessible at all times for use by food employees. Employees shall not clean their hands in a sink used for food preparation, warewashing, or in a service sink or a curbed cleaning facility used for the disposal of mop water and similar liquid waste. Do not place objects in front of the handwashing station, and do not place items, utensils or wiping cloths in the handwashing sink.

Handwashing facilities shall be equipped to provide warm water under pressure for a minimum of 15 seconds. If the temperature of water provided is not readily adjustable at the faucet, the temperature of the water shall be at least 100°F, but not greater than 108°F. Soap shall be provided in approved dispensers at, or adjacent to, handwashing facilities (no bars of soap). Single-use sanitary towels or hot-air blowers shall be provided at handwashing facilities in approved dispensing devices.
Observed lack of a filled paper towel dispenser / available sanitary hand drying method at the handwash sink nearest the dish washing area. Provide a functioning paper towel dispenser adjacent to the handwashing sink and keep paper towel dispensers properly filled, or an air hand drying unit functional, to provide a sanitary method for hand drying at all times. 0103 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 150+ SEATS
8-30-2022 A food facility shall not be open for business without a valid permit. (114067(b) & (c), 114365, 114365.5, 114381, 114381.1 114381.2, 114387, 114390) 1.00 Pay the required annual permit fees. Renewal fees for existing permits for each calendar year are assessed and due in January of each year.

For purposes of enforcement, an enforcement officer may, during the facility's hours of operation and other reasonable times, enter, inspect, issue citations to, and secure any sample, photographs, or other evidence from a food facility or any facility suspected of being a food facility, or a vehicle transporting food to or from a retail food facility, when the vehicle is stationary at an agricultural inspection station, a border crossing, or at any food facility under the jurisdiction of the enforcement agency, or upon the request of an incident commander. It is a violation for any person to refuse to permit entry or inspection, or interfere with the performance of the duties of an enforcement officer, including making verbal or physical threats or sexual or discriminatory harassment.

Close the facility until a permit is obtained from the Division of Environmental Health.
Observed lack of the current health permit being posted within the facility. Ensure that the current valid health permit is posted within the facility. 0103 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 150+ SEATS
8-30-2022 Each food facility shall be kept free of live animals and vermin: rodents (rats, mice), cockroaches, flies.( 114259.1, 114259.4, 114259.5) 3.00 Live animals are not allowed in a food facility, except as specified in section 114259.5.

A food facility shall immediately cease operation when there is a vermin infestation that has resulted in the contamination of food contact surfaces, food packaging, utensils, food equipment, or adulteration of food(s). The food facility shall remain closed until:
(a) there is no longer evidence of a vermin infestation.
(b) all contaminated surfaces have been cleaned and sanitized.
(c) contributing factors such as cleaning, repairs, and the elimination of harborages have been resolved.

All contributing factors must be resolved as quickly as possible. If there is a vermin infestation that warrants a major violation, then the permit to operate may be suspended. Professional pest control may also be required as frequently as needed to prevent the infestation from recurring.
Observed at least two dozen live roaches inside an unused three door refrigeration unit in the kitchen area. Remove the unused refrigerator. Increase pest control service frequency and / or efficacy to prevent harboring live vermin in the food facility. Do not keep unused equipment items in the food facility. The premises of each food facility shall be kept free of vermin. 0103 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 150+ SEATS
8-30-2022 The walls / ceilings shall have durable, smooth, nonabsorbent, light-colored, and washable surfaces. All floor surfaces, other than the customer service areas, shall be approved, smooth, durable and made of nonabsorbent material that is easily cleanable. Approved base coving shall be provided in all areas, except customer service areas and where food is stored in original unopened containers. Food facilities shall be fully enclosed. All food facilities shall be kept clean and in good repair. (114065, 114067, 114069, 114175, 114143, 114257, 114259.2, 114266, 114268, 114268.1, 114271, 114272) 1.00 All food facilities shall be kept clean, fully operative, and in good repair. Floor surfaces in all areas in which food is prepared, packaged or stored, where any utensil is washed, where refuse or garbage is stored, where janitorial facilities are located, and in all restrooms and hand washing areas shall be smooth and of durable construction and made from non absorbent material that is easily cleanable.

Each permanent food facility shall be fully enclosed in a building consisting of permanent floors, walls, and an overhead structure that meets minimum standards. Food facilities that are not fully enclosed on all sides and that are in operation on January 1, 1985, shall not be required to meet the requirements of this section until the facility is remodeled or has a significant menu change or a change in its method of operation. Full enclosure is not required for dining areas and certain other areas when approved for outdoor food services.
Observed yellow plastic looking type adjustable grate covers in fabricated metal frames over two floor drain areas in the back kitchen. When lifted out, metal frames are covering damage to the floor tiles around the recessed area surrounding the central floor drain. Slats in the the adjustable grate frame are not secure, tend to 'shove over' to one side leaving large gaps that are a tripping hazard. The current configuration and tile flooring around the two framed floor drain locations with the yellow grates does not meet the 'smooth and easily cleanable' standard in addition to being a trip hazard.

Repair the damaged flooring / tiles in the areas surrounding the two floor drains below the currently used yellow grates. Replace the gratings in these location with appropriate durable smooth and cleanable gratings that are flush with the surrounding floor and do not create tripping hazards. Ensure the recessed areas under the gratings are appropriately cleaned on a regular basis to prevent vermin attraction.
8-30-2022 Exhaust hoods shall be provided to remove toxic gases, heat, grease, vapors, and smoke and be approved by the local building department. Canopy-type hoods shall extend 6" beyond all cooking equipment. All areas shall have sufficient ventilation to facilitate proper food storage. Toilet rooms shall be vented to the outside air by a screened openable window, an air shaft, or a light-switch activated exhaust fan, consistent with local building codes. (114149, 114149.1) Adequate lighting shall be provided in all areas to facilitate cleaning and inspection. Light fixtures in areas where open food is stored, served, prepared, and where utensils are washed shall be of shatterproof construction or protected with light shields. (114149.2, 114149.3, 114252, 114252.1) 1.00 All areas shall have sufficient ventilation to facilitate proper food storage and to provide a reasonable condition of comfort for each employee, consistent with the job performed by the employee.

Light fixtures in areas where food is prepared, open food is stored, or utensils are cleaned shall be of shatterproof construction or shall be protected with shatterproof shields and shall be readily cleanable. In every room and area in which any food is prepared, manufactured, processed, or prepackaged, or in which equipment or utensils are cleaned, sufficient natural or artificial lighting shall be provided to produce the following light intensity, while the area is in use:
(a) At least 10-foot candles for the following:
(1) At a distance of 30 inches above the floor, in walk-in refrigeration units, and dry food storage areas.
(2) At a working surface on which alcoholic beverages are prepared or where utensils used in the preparation or service of alcoholic beverages are cleaned.
(3) Inside equipment, such as reach-in or under-the-counter refrigerators.
(b) At least 20-foot candles for the following:
(1) At a surface where food is provided for consumer self-service or where fresh produce or prepackaged foods are sold or offered for consumption.
(2) In server stations where food is prepared.
(3) At a distance of 30 inches above the floor in areas used for handwashing, warewashing, and equipment and utensil storage, and in toilet rooms.
(c) Except in server stations where food is prepared, at least 50-foot candles at a surface where a food employee is working with food or working with utensils or equipment such as knives, slicers, grinders, or saws where employee safety is a factor.
(1) Observed multiple light fixture in / over the hood area do not function, bulbs may be burned out. Replace bulb and / or repair fixture. Failure to provide adequate lighting.

(2) Observed missing fixture (broken base) in the ceiling of the walk in freezer between the door and the functioning light toward the back of the freezer. Repair / replace the missing light fixture. Failure to provide adequate lighting.
8-30-2022 All nonfood contact surfaces of utensils and equipment shall be clean. (114115, 114130.4) 1.00 Clean nonfood contact surfaces of equipment at a frequency necessary to prevent accumulation of residue. (1) Observed accumulation of food debris in the trench grating area immediately in front of the ice machine. Improve cleaning frequency so as to avoid creating vermin attraction in the food facility.

(2) Observed splash, grease and dust residue buildup on multiple pieces of equipment particularly under the hood area in the kitchen. Improve cleaning frequency and methods so as to prevent the accumulation of visible residue.

(3) Observed dust and grime buildup on exterior of hand soap and paper towel dispensers at handwashing locations in the kitchen. Clean the dispensers so as to reduce the chances for cross contamination.

(4) Observed build up of dust debris on fan blade guards on cooler unit in walk-in refrigerator and/or freezer where some items did not have lids. Improve cleaning frequency so as to prevent a visible buildup of dust debris. Keep all food items covered when not under active preparation.

(5) Observed cardboard / foil wrapped / covered lower shelf of prep table behind sushi area being used for storage. Cease this practice. Remove foil and cardboard. Foil and cardboard do not constitute smooth, easily cleanable, and durable commercial grade surfaces. Do not render equipment or storage surfaces difficult to properly clean and sanitize. If surface no longer meets a smooth and easily cleanable commercial grade surface standard, properly repair or replace.
8-30-2022 All utensils and equipment shall be fully operative, clean, and in good repair. (114115, 114175). All utensils and equipment shall be approved, installed properly, and meet applicable standards. (114130, 114130.1, 114130.2, 114130.3, 114130.4, 114130.5, 114130.6, 114132, 114133, 114137, 114139, 114143, 114153, 114155, 114163, 114165, 114167, 114169, 114172, 114175, 114177, 114180, 114182) 1.00 Equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. The food-contact surfaces of cooking equipment and pans shall be kept free of encrusted grease deposits and other debris accumulations.

Keep all food facilities, and all utensils, display cases, windows, counters, shelves, tables, refrigeration units, sinks, dishwashing machines, and other equipment or utensils used in the storage, preparation, sale, service, and display of food, clean, fully operative, and in good repair.

The non-food-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris. Equipment shall be reassembled so that food-contact surfaces are not contaminated.
(1) Observed buildup of ice on the top shelf below refrigerating unit in the walk in freezer. Investigate and repair the cause of the excess ice buildup in this location.

(2) Observed multiple cold bar areas (salad bars in customer area, sushi bar, cook to order ingredient bar) where units are being filled with ice and items are placed on top of ice. Commercial grade mechanical refrigeration units should function correctly / as originally designed. Mechanically refrigerated bars should be able to hold PHF food items at or below the required temperatures without the use of ice. Ice may be used for display purposes for items held under time control, but ice alone cannot be used in lieu of a working mechanical refrigerator for temperature control of PHF items. Investigate and repair.
8-30-2022 Potentially hazardous foods shall be held at or below 41°/ 45°F or at or above 135°F. (113996, 113998, 114037, 114343(a)) 7.00 Hold potentially hazardous foods either at or above 135°F or at or below 41°F. Hold the following potentially hazardous foods at 45°F: raw shell eggs, unshucked live molluscan shellfish, pasteurized milk and pasteurized milk products in original, sealed containers. Potentially hazardous foods held for dispensing in a serving line or a salad bar (not in a display case) may be held at 45°F or less during periods not to exceed 12 hours in any 24-hour period. Discard all potentially hazardous food that has been out of an approved time and temperature range. (1) Observed vegetables / dumplings in the kitchen cook line cooler that are reading 54-56ºF. Manager states items just recently placed in this cooler. Multiple other items stored along the entire kitchen area cook line cooler are reading between 45-58ºF. All items other than whole uncut produce being relocated to walk in coolers. Do not use the cook line coolers for the storage of any PHF items until the unit is repaired and consistently holding temperature at or below 41ºF in the warmest part of the refrigeration units.

(2) Observed items in the cooler bar at the grill to order area reading 56-58ºF. Staff states these are items left over from the lunch bar setup at approximately 11 AM, switching out to dinner items in the next few minutes. Discussed need to keep PHF items below 41ºF, and to not overfill pans above their max fill lines (approximately 3/4" below the top rim of the pans). Voluntarily discarding the eggs, raw chicken, raw beef, and raw pork. Discussed possible use of time control (max 4 hours) for PHF items in this area. Manager to email proposed form to MCDEH for review / approval to use to document Time Control for PHF food items in this area. If daily documentation for time control on individual items is not present, facility will still be held to / required to meet PHF temperature requirements.

(3) Observed temperature of items on plates at sushi bar area reading 60-68ºF. Discussed need to keep PHF items blow 41ºF. All sushi items voluntarily discarded. Discussed possible use of time control (max 4 hours) for PHF items in this area. Manager to email proposed form to MCDEH for review / approval to use to document Time Control for PHF food items in this area. If daily documentation for time control on individual items is not present, facility will still be held to / required to meet PHF temperature requirements.

(4) Observed temperatures of octopus, melons, boiled eggs, and cooked corn on cold bar that are reading over 45ºF. Items just restocked for dinner service (less than 30 minutes prior). Discussed possible use of time control (max 4 hours) for PHF items in this area. Manager to email proposed form to MCDEH for review / approval to use to document Time Control for PHF food items in this area. If daily documentation for time control on individual items is not present, facility will still be held to / required to meet PHF temperature requirements.

Rating on date 11-12-2020: Satisfactory (Total Points: 10.00)
DateViolationPointsCorrectionInspector CommentsFacility Area
11-12-2020 All utensils and equipment shall be fully operative, clean, and in good repair. (114115, 114175). All utensils and equipment shall be approved, installed properly, and meet applicable standards. (114130, 114130.1, 114130.2, 114130.3, 114130.4, 114130.5, 114130.6, 114132, 114133, 114137, 114139, 114143, 114153, 114155, 114163, 114165, 114167, 114169, 114172, 114175, 114177, 114180, 114182) 2.00 Equipment food-contact surfaces and utensils shall be clean to sight and touch. The food-contact surfaces of cooking equipment and pans shall be kept free of encrusted grease deposits and other debris accumulations.

Keep all food facilities, and all utensils, display cases, windows, counters, shelves, tables, refrigeration units, sinks, dishwashing machines, and other equipment or utensils used in the storage, preparation, sale, service, and display of food, clean, fully operative, and in good repair.

The non-food-contact surfaces of equipment shall be kept free of an accumulation of dust, dirt, food residue, and other debris. Equipment shall be reassembled so that food-contact surfaces are not contaminated.
2nd Repeat: Observed a prep refrigerator in the kitchen that is missing a gasket for a door. Repair. 0103 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 150+ SEATS
11-12-2020 Handwashing soap and single use towels or drying device shall be provided in dispensers adjacent to each handwashing facility; dispensers shall be maintained in good repair. (113953.2) Adequate separate facilities shall be provided for handwashing, food preparation, and the washing of utensils and equipment. (113953, 113953.1) 6.00 Handwashing facilities shall be sufficient in number and conveniently located so as to be accessible at all times for use by food employees. Employees shall not clean their hands in a sink used for food preparation, warewashing, or in a service sink or a curbed cleaning facility used for the disposal of mop water and similar liquid waste. Do not place objects in front of the handwashing station, and do not place items, utensils or wiping cloths in the handwashing sink.

Handwashing facilities shall be equipped to provide warm water under pressure for a minimum of 15 seconds. If the temperature of water provided is not readily adjustable at the faucet, the temperature of the water shall be at least 100°F, but not greater than 108°F. Soap shall be provided in approved dispensers at, or adjacent to, handwashing facilities (no bars of soap). Single-use sanitary towels or hot-air blowers shall be provided at handwashing facilities in approved dispensing devices.
2nd Repeat: Observed the paper towel dispenser in the back of the kitchen, next to the walk in is not functioning. Repair or replace. 0103 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 150+ SEATS
11-12-2020 The potable water supply shall be protected with a backflow or back siphonage protection device, as required by applicable plumbing codes. (114192) All plumbing and plumbing fixtures shall be installed in compliance with local plumbing ordinances, shall be maintained so as to prevent any contamination, and shall be kept clean, fully operative, and in good repair. Any hose used for conveying potable water shall be of approved materials, labeled, properly stored, and used for no other purpose. (114171, 114189.1, 114190, 114192.1, 114193, 114193.1, 114195, 114197, 114199, 114201, 114269) 2.00 All plumbing and plumbing fixtures shall be installed in compliance with local plumbing ordinances, shall be maintained so as to prevent any contamination, and shall be kept clean, fully operative, and in good repair. Repeat: Observed the hand sink in the rear of the kitchen is leaking. Repair. 0103 FOOD ESTAB. W/FOOD PREP 150+ SEATS